Sunday, 17 February 2019
Location: Tunnel Gully, Te Marua, Upper Hutt. The walk up Mt Climie starts in Tunnel Gully which is located at the end of Plateau Road in Te Marua, 10 minutes north of Upper Hutt. The car park is clearly signposted. At the bottom of this map you can see the entrance to Mt Climie.
The track is a gravel 4WD road so it isn’t technical. However, it is steep and it doesn’t let up. Essentially it's 6km straight up...not for faint hearted children. We carried Miss 4 most of the way up. Master 6 walked the whole way but he's a bit of a legend. We were stoked that we brought heaps of water and snacks. We got lots of comments from people we passed saying that they'd never seen kids so young walking up mount Climie.
The view at the top is spectacular, we celebrated with lollies and victory dances before carefully walking back down.
Age of our Kids: Miss 4 & Master 6
Buggy Friendly: Not unless you're superman
Walking Time: 3.5 hours
Length: About 12kms return
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
Amenities: Toilet (long drop) in tunnel gully but that's it.
Elevation: The summit of Mt Climie is 860m high, one of the highest peaks in the Wellington area.
Dogs: Yes Things to be aware of: It's steep coming down and really easy to slip - I think we had a few falls. Nothing major but just good to be aware.
It got really hot climbing up, but the top is exposed and we quickly cooled down. We can imagine on a cold day you'd have to bring warm layers or keep your time admiring the view to a minimum.
Kids Rating (0-10)
Overall Fun Factor: 6/10
Legendary Factor (I've told all my friends about it): 9/10
Repeatability Factor (Can we please do it again): 6/10
Exhaustion Factor: 9/10