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Our Tramp Packlist (Overnight)

Mr and Mrs Walking with Kids

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

Below is our "one night tramp pack list" for our family of four (2 adults, one 9 year old and a 6 year old) . We've refined it a couple of times but have never missed anything major. We've always stayed in Doc Serviced Huts so haven't had to worry too much about water or heating at night. We'd usually walk between 4-6 hours/day.

We both have 65 ltr packs. Master 9 has a junior pack and carries his own clothes, food, water and sleeping gear. Miss 7 just has her daypack and carries her clothes, water and lunch. You could definitely take less but we usually find that apart from the first aid kit we use everything that we bring with us (…and we’re not quite ready to cut back on all the yummy food). Also - we've now started storing all our tramping gear in a big box so it's not such a mission every time we go away.

Food & Drink - we take heaps of yummy food. Makes for a heavy pack but helps with kids energy and fun factor.

Lunch Day 1:

  • 4x Sandwiches (we usually have ham/cheese/lettuce etc. We usually store these in old plastic takeaway containers so they don't get too squished). Wraps would work well too.

Walking Snackage:

We usually separate 1/2 of the snacks into a separate plastic bag so it's easier to ration.

  • 2x Veggie sticks. We use 2x airtight containers and add 2 tsp of water to keep them fresh. One container for each day. Each container would have around 2 carrots and the equivalent in another veggie such as beans or celery..

  • 8x Biscuits (we usually make homemade biscuits with chocolate and nuts)

  • 8x Muslie bars

  • 2x Packs of lollies

  • 8x Egg/bacon muffins. I don't have a recipe for these but would usually whisk together around 6-8 eggs/handful of grated cheese/ham or bacon, spring onions (you can also grate carrot/coughett etc). I then just pour them into muffin tins and cook on 180-200C until they're cooked through. They're super quick to make and really fulling.

Hut Snackage

  • Marshmallows, about x6 each

  • Hot chocolate, enough for x4 cups. Usually the kids will have one in the morning too.

  • Miso soup x4

  • Cheese and crackers. This is slightly over the top if you're worried about weight but We love having a feast when we get to the hut. I usually pre cut edam cheese for the kids and bring a fancy cheese for the adults. We carry crackers in plastic containers so they don't get crushed

  • Red wine. We find this is an absolute must. Amazingly one whole bottle fits perfectly into a pump bottle. Put it into a sealed plastic bag for extra safety and think about where in your pack you put it so it doesn't get bashed about too much


  • 2x Dehydrated meals. We've tried the Back County and the Outdoor Gourmet Company, both are sold at almost all of the outdoor shops i.e. Macpac, Kathmandu, Torpedo 7. In any normal setting the kids would not be keen but we're all so hungry they love them. They're expensive though ($10-15). You just add boiling water to them and then eat straight out of the packet so there are no dishes. The used packets also become our rubbish bins as they seal well. Our friends brought wraps last time and they were delicious, alternatively some people dehydrate their own food...maybe something to try in the future?


  • Porridge. We've brought the sachets a few times (Harraways or Uncle Tobys), they're good but one is not enough for our 9yr, we usually cook x6 sachets and divide that between us all. Our friend brought oats and a mix he'd made himself (oats, milk powder, dried fruit cinnamon, sugar). It looked way yummier so I think we'll try that next time. We just add water until it's "about right" and don't bother measuring anything.

  • Coffee: 2x coffee teabag's and a small container of milk powder (x4 tsp)


We carry around 5-6 litres/day: 2x per adult and 1x/child. All the huts we stay at have running water so we can boil more for day two.


  • 4x Sleeping bags

  • Sleeping mats, if you can book the hut then you don't need to worry about mats. If not we usually bring x2 extra mats 'just in case' - and we've had to use them once


Walking Clothes: We usually set out the kids walking clothes for them and aim for as much merino/wool as possible. No puffers (they're for the hut, wet puffers are the worst!).

We only take one set of walking clothes. When we arrive at the hut we switch to hut clothes and hang all the walking clothes up to dry, if they're still wet in the morning too bad, they'll warm up walking (or they could wear some of the hut clothes on the day 2 walk...the "too bad!" is really preparing for multi day walks)

  • Shoes either tramping boots or trail runners (they need tread, sneakers won't do in the Tararua's)

  • Thick warm socks

  • Tights & shorts or track pants

  • Woollen singlet/t-shirt/long sleeve t-shirt (usually all merino)

  • Warm jersey/woollen vest

  • Rain jacket (essential)

  • Woollen hat

  • Overpants (our kids often slip/fall and end up wet so overpants are a must for them)

  • Gaiters (not essential)

What they don't wear straight away we pack last into the top of the pack for easy access, we find everyone pulls clothes on/off frequently.

​Hut Clothes

When we arrive at the hut we find everyone cools down really fast. We quickly get everyone changed into our warm dry hut clothes, get a fire cranking and then start on the hot drinks. We keep the hut clothes in a sealed plastic bag.

  • Thick warm socks

  • Extra shoes, we bring the kids sneakers because they're small & light and they tend to run around a lot - we bring jandles for us (yip - we wear socks and jandals :)).

  • Warm pants

  • Woollen singlet/t-shirt/long sleeve t-shirt (usually all merino). The benefit keeping similar to your walking clothes is if they're still wet you can tramp out in your hut gear.

  • Puffer Jackets

  • Underwear


We usually let the kids eat first so only take x2 sets of cutlery/bowls.


  • 2x Head torches

  • 2x candles most of the huts have candle stands on the walls

  • Hut tickets you can by them from Macpac or for some huts you book on the doc website)

  • Playing cards

  • 2x rolls of loo paper

First Aid

We've made our own first aid kit so it might be a bit weird :) There are bound to be better ones online

  • Small pack of tissues

  • Pamol and measuring syringe

  • 4x plasters

  • ibuprofen & paracetamol tablets

  • ibuprofen cream (for sore knees)

  • Sterile water

  • Bandage

  • Needle and thread

  • 2x non adhensive pads

  • Medical tape/strapping tape

  • Arnica ointment (the Weleda one)

  • Lighter (to serialize a needle or start a fire)

  • Shoes lace (essentially strong string)

  • Tampons (can use to light a fire)

  • Ventolin

  • Antihistamines

  • 4x emergency survival blankets

  • PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) This is essential for the Tararuas. You can buy them but they're around $400, alternatively you can hire them:

Any other medication you might need.


  • Toothbrush

  • Toothpaste

  • Deodorant

  • Hair tie

  • Playing cards

  • 2x Pocket knives for the kids

Preparations :)


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